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(3 edits) (-1)

Just some feedback on a minor UI issue.

So, I was trying to transfer my saves from computer to my phone and ended up only finding the "download sync" button. Then I look into the screen.rpy file and find out that the "upload sync" button only appears in a save screen, which seems kinda unnecessary to me. Like, you could totally just enter the load screen from the main title just to upload your saves. Maybe always showing both buttons could be better?

Though it seems renpy's sync isn't currently functioning anyway(some error occured in the 00sync.rpy file from the renpy folder). Actually I've never used(or even seen) this "sync" function of renpy from my experience of any other FVNs, so maybe this is kinda the reason?


Well, the Download/Upload sync uses Renpy Sync so you can upload and download save files to/from Renpy server, which allows you to transfer your save files to another device.

I tested it just now to transfer my save files from PC to my phone and it worked alright.

Of course, the upload and download sync buttons appear on the save and load screen respectively, because you need to load the save file first, before you can upload sync it. But that’s also the default layout.

Hopefully this helps. Further info


Love to see southeast asian food representation haha (plus Raymond's slang is saur accurate and cute lol). It's only the second build but there's already so much going on and I'm here for it! Can't wait for future build.

sidenote:Otto is so stupid but he's cute so I forgive him.


Southeast Asian Pride🌈

I'm surprised when Raymond says 'Haiya' because it's the word people in my country use in daily life too. 




I’m glad his slangs shine through and add to his charm. Honestly, while writing his dialogues, as a fellow SE Asian myself, I’m deeply aware that his speech could sound incorrect to some if not sounding like a caricature/stereotype.

Still, I believe that by embracing his Manglish speech, Raymond can be unashamedly himself, like, if he already speaks like that, then let himlah! Can also, what?

And yes, Otto is a dumb-dumb but I admire his pure intention.


Damn I'm lined up towards Markus!


cara, eu sou tao apaixonado nessa trilha sonora, me pegou cheio. <3


We’re glad you’re enjoying the soundtracks

Obrigado :3


What were the inspirations for Cienie?


There is a few, The Mire (Polish Tittle Rojst.), Erle Stanley Gardner's books, Blacksad and Revival comics.
In smaller scale shows like Veronica Mars, or Twin Peaks.


is Marcus available ? I would love to date him he so cute !


I like him too! I'm wondering as well. 🤔


We can't promise anything atm, But everything will be anwsered in VN itself :3

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

1irst of all, thank xou sooo much for adding the pronunciations! Polish is 1ne of the languages I struggle the most to figure out, so it's extremely helpful! 😌

That scene at the Oginski's was flippin' hilarious! 😂 shame, poor fella. I just wanted to give him a big hug when he went "Nooooo~" 😋 I love how well written all the characters are, this scene alone was enough to showcase just how well constructed and alive they all feel, which in itself showcases xour skills as a writer 🙂

Real great update. I'm so invested in the story, it's compelling, dark, and not so consuming that it gives me anxiety 😁 I love the mix of crime-drama & horror/thriller, it blends so nicely together with the overall vibe xou've set

1ne final thing... With how this updated ended, does this mean the VN will have NSFW scenes? Sorry if this has already been asked. Either way, amazing work, I look forward to the next update! ☺️


We're glad you're enjoying our vn! As it stands right now, revealing too much on next part would be spoiler territory.

We can only say that as it stands right now, there are no plans for full on nsfw scenes.


No problem! Thankx for responding, 'n keep up all the amazing work~ 😁


Id welcome some romance that's lead by dialogue.

(5 edits) (+6)(-1)

Lovely VN. Playing since the first build and the latest update is great.

Sprites are great, art and CGs are stellar, UI is nice and has personality, music is something that caught my attention especially, love the vibes. The in game dictionary is also a GREAT feature!! Thank you deeply for adding it.

Can't wait to see more.

Also, Otto is my favorite character so far. How can you not love him…


Thank you! It means a lot to us.

Indeed Otto deserves all the love :3


This VN is definetely one of the most memorable that I've seen. The characters are really well written and I love the thing with personal background for each character in the dialog box.It's a little thing but I think it can say a lot of a character we are speaking with, as well as about Tom


Really love how intriguing the story is so far, love all the mystery and even just how diverse all these characters are, and the art is beautifully made I must say


OMG this makes me so happy, I'm really enjoying this VN, it's amazing and so captivating!


Thank you for kind comment <3, that means a lot to us.

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

You guys deserve my praise and way more, honestly. This vn is just great, it has sleuth + gay furries +  good writing.  This is one of the few furry vns that actually has a plot and it feels written for and by Young Adults and Adults.  Keep up the good work!


I downloaded this game, but it won't let me play


which file did you download?




Could you post screenshot of an error you're getting?



Seems something is wrong with music player on mac, but I'm unsure how to fix it. I will post version of build 2 without muisc player shortly.


Alright, Please download the fix version and let me know if it works.


So, can you romance any of the characters? Cause I want the German Shepherd.


Good job! I'm really looking forward to reading more. Be proud of your work!


I really liked what you have so far, but I will speak plainly that with it being named 1.0 I had thought that this was a finished product rather than a first chapter, so when it ended so abruptly I was very surprised. But it has a nice hook, so I will keep this game in mind for the future.


Yeah woops, sorry for the confusion. The number refers to build/version no.. Thanks for playing and staying tuned for the next one 🙏


This is already so good.


The "No lah😑" was invoked let's GOOO


Of course mah!


I read the comments and saw that no ones asked this, so i figured i would.

You mentioned LGBT+ and adult themse but only explained as far as the violence and such, but as there is possible romance, i must know.



We may see some characters getting intimate with each other, but the content will most likely not be explicit.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Can we expect a full polish version of this awesome game in the future?

Sorry if this question was already answered :)


Sorry for late reply, Absolutely. It will get polish version. Probably after the game itself is finished.




What specific species is Raymond? Is he a Sumatran Tiger?


Malayan tiger, Panthera tigris jacksoni is the scientific name. The population is critically endangered unfortunately 


Oh, interesting, thank you for answering. ^^


czuje się tak polsko jak gram w tą gre 


nie jestem polak ale...
thanks for playing (^_^)


Nie sądziłem że kiedykolwiek zobaczę VNa, którego akcja się odbywa w naszej Polszy. Czas obczaić, z opisu brzmi dobrze ^^


Dziękuję z komentarz

Hope you enjoy it ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎


This is a good start for a VN! The characters are so cuteeee! Thanks and keep up the good work :3~


Works just fine on the Mac.

I really look forward to your next release!


Thanks for your input. We're already on our way with the second release. Stay tuned!

Deleted post

He's a black cat


This is very early review of the project but here is what i can say for now will update it when it's updated:

This VN is a breath of fresh air, the characters, the art, the music and specially the setting feels inspired and alive and is a welcomed change to the current FVN scenario, Tom as a MC is specially interesting because he is amazing POV character because it feels like he is a character but is relatable enough for the reader project into him.

The supporting cast is lovable even with small amount of interactions their sprites, demeanor and actions paint a very clear picture of how they act. The writing i also should note is amazing on not dragging on needles details, dialogue boxes with more then 3 lines are rare and welcomed to make the reading comfortable.

All in all i will say this project has future and i will be rooting and supporting for you guys in this work of art they are making.


We appreciate your support (^_^)


Omg I wait this game so fuking long. Great job!


Hope it was worth the wait. We've been working on this VN since 2021. That's how long it's been for us :3


Markus is my favorite character!


This story starts out very strong. All the technical aspects of the VN are top-tier: art, menus, music, formatting, editing. Marcus is a terrific character and his relationship with Tomasz has the strongest writing in the story. The opening is mysterious and exciting.


After that, the story seems to lose direction. The relationship of Tomasz with his father doesn't feel real--they seem more like roommates. You'd never guess that Tomasz lost his mom if the story didn't spell it out. The scene with the fox woman at the store seems pointless, and Tomasz seems oddly nonchalant about the gangster-ish guys looking for a friend. I'd expect him to be scared and on the phone instantly to try to figure out who they were & what was going on.

There's a jarring genre-shift with the appearance of Dawid. We know Tomasz has mental problems and severe anxiety and several scary/overwhelming things have happened/are happening to him all at once. I'd expect him to be very suspicious or distant about Dawid's sudden reappearance, but instead he instantly turns into the protag of a (perfectly good) dating sim.

It feels like Tomasz is the focus of too many different narrative threads at once. The character gets no breathing room to develop because the story is constantly dragging him into yet a new plot. 

Hopefully with greater length and more editing, most of these issues will naturally resolve themselves.


I mostly agree with your opinion. The change in the game's tone with Dawid is too much for me and a relationship like that really shouldn't be patched up over a dinner. Personally if someone did that to me and started blowing up my phone in an attempt to reconnect, id probably just block them.


i loved it and wish it didnt end so soon. cant wait for the next update

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Nice story so far about a rookie detective with horror in the mix.

The Super-Nova easter eggs is a nice touch.




What an incredible 1irst build! 😁 really blown away by what xou guys have created 😌 love the world, love the art, love the writing ☺️ Stunning, I can't wait for more~ 😋

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

The VN crashes when I go investigate the noise. 

I really want to know what happens! 😥

Edit: I'm on Android


Hey, I'm sorry you can't progress the game.
I asked dev team to play through android and see if it crashes for anyone, and nobody did.
I really have no idea what could cause it.

I do have suggestion:
Clean the memory cache on your phone and turn off any background apps when playing. 
if that doesn't help I will be looking into fix but I won't be able to release it anytime soon.

I hope it will work! good luck.


Maybe check your phone updates or clear all data from the app maybe uninstalling and reinstalling would help androids are weird!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Ok this kinda worked, now it crashes when (spoilers)

He gets impaled by a hand and blinks(?) three times.



what phone do u use ?


I use a tablet


F in the chat Lenovo? 


What Android version? It can be possible for Android to kill the process that reaches the limit of a single app can take.


The one that's out? I don't know what you mean by that.


Your device’s Android version. You can search on the internet how to get the Android version.

Deleted 1 year ago

The part with the lady? Yea i'd be pissed too if I waited 20 minutes for the store to open. And she dares buy a newspaper the mc dislikes, the horror lol

Curious if this vn will actually flesh out the horror supernatural aspect or will it be just oo spooky thing you dead/wake up.

(4 edits) (+2)(-1)

Ngl Karol kinda got me flustered on sight, I'm like 2 seconds into the game and I really hope his character isn't bad xD.

Well that was a fun start so far, man there have been so many new vns with a lot of promise recently. 


Very impressed with the first build! Caught some Twin Peaks vibes from all that's happening. The characters all seem to have some depth to them already, with their little backstories and well-written interactions. The art is great, I'm especially ready to thoroughly investigate Raymond and Otto. Something that would be great to see in a feature build is a bit more backstory for Markus, with him being a detective in a detective story, moreover a close friend to main character. Looking forward to next parts of the story!


Btw, first, I thought the game was called "Shining", but then found out that I was a bit off, and it's actually "Shadows".


Yeah, Cienie /chain-yay/ does sound like "shining" or "shiny", but you're right. It has a completely opposite meaning. 


What a quality VN! The art style is beautiful and the main plot is catchy. Loved the characters and the subplots so far. You guys are doing a good job, hope to see more in the future...

Deleted post

Rotshild the goat helping out with the Android port! 🥹


very exciting first build! Love all the boys, and the scares were cooked just right. 

Looking forward to more! 

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